• The
    Electricity Pricing

    100% transparency! No more guessing game with Brokers who hide their fee. We provide a written guarantee that we share with all of the Suppliers. The cost control that you deserve.

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    Our Industry Experts provide the knowledge you need to find the best Supplier and cost savings you need in a quickly changing industry.  Stay ahead of the changes and call our Team today!

  • Additional

    Don’t let high cost Brokers convince you that they are the only game in town. We can assist you in procurement, sustainability strategy, power factor correction, back-up generation, market analytics and more…

  • How much do I pay my

    If you really don’t know, you are probably paying a lot more than you need. Choose electricitypricing.com for the 100% transparency!


Electricitypricing.com guarantees the transparency you need!

We provide the resources and you see the savings! Don’t hand your power procurement over to a Broker who hides their fee behind your rate. Our solution is transparency!

Quit paying inflated Broker Fees!

Contact Electricitypricing.com

Set up a free analysis discussion today - by phone or online meeting! We can add more competition into your procurement!

What our clients say

Avoiding hidden broker fees

Written guaranteed fee shared with suppliers

Avoid the need to work with multiple brokers

Fee based on one year not the life of the contract